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Travel and Events category is for traveling tips, travel places, holiday places list, event videos, event organization and more related to both things.

 Dance, Drama, Fun, Story 

How to and Style category includes two type of categories. One is how to guide and second is style or fashion

Pets and Animals category includes videos like pet or animal training, tips, related products, breed info, funny moves/reactions and more. 

 This category includes short news, news type information, media and other category related videos. 

Education category includes tutorial, knowledge guide, learning, academic classes and informative topic videos

Science & Technology

Music category includes videos related to all kind of music, songs and related content. Also includes music instrument and music teaching guides

Trains and Railway

Aircrafts & Airplane

Boats Ships Cruiseliner


Autos & Vehicles category includes video related to cars, bikes automobiles technology, customized vehicles and much more. You can find vehicle related reviews, tips, solutions, new launches, performance and related content based videos. 

Sports category includes videos for sports, sport equipment, accessories, tips, amazing moments, statistics, guide or coaching and sports related activities. 

This category includes videos for people, life style, celebrity talks, things about people, popular blog or sites information, website promotion, reviews and more related to people or blogs thing.